Posts from March, 2005
March 29, 2005
Yahoo! 360 Invitation Only Beta
Yahoo! 360° has entered an invite-only beta and you can read my description of what makes it special on the Yahoo! Searchblog.
I’ve already sent out a few invititations, but I’m sure I’ve missed a few of my friends out there who are interested. I’ve got a limited number of invitations, so I’m distributing them only to folks I actually know (in person) and/or are related to. That means you have my email already – just drop me a line.
[I’m wondering if/when the invites will show up for sale on eBay…]
Into the breach!
March 20, 2005
Another Reason Randy Has Been Busy
I’m been championing Yahoo’s just announced aquisition of Flickr.
Flickr + 360?
Flickr + Search?
Flickr + Groups?
Use your imagination…
Things are getting a lot more interesting for communities at Yahoo.
March 15, 2005
Announcing Yahoo! 360°
Since we are both too busy to keep this blog up-to-date, I figured I’d share what it is that I’m doing that would keep so occupied that I can’t keep up with the much needed ranting about virtual worlds, avatars, secondary markets, security and the like…
Announcing: Yahoo! 360°
Press Release
As it hit the wires in the wee hours of 3/16/05:
WSJ:Yahoo Plans Service to Let Users Create Blogs and Share Content
Charlene Li: (Forrester) Yahoo! announces blogging and social networking betas
AP:Yahoo Tests Blend of Blogging, Networking
Early bloggers are intrigued:
Marc Canter
Micro Persuasion (Steve Rubel)
SearchEngineJournal (Greg Sterling)
and hundreds more.
The invitations start at the end of the month…