November 1, 2008

Blog recovered, mostly

With the help of various undiscarded bric-a-brac laying about the house and a big boost from the Internet Archive (yay Brewster!), I have recovered nearly all of the content of Habitat Chronicles and restored the blog to something resembling its former glory. I was able to restore 100% of the posts and about 95% of the comments.

All the content should be here, though we still need to put in a bunch of redirects so that links to the old pages will lead to the proper new ones (in particular, a version change in MovableType causes the URLs for archived posts to now have a different format; the new format is arguably better but will break old links).

We’re also planning on moving from our current interim host (Yahoo!) to a more reliable and permanent hosting service. If any of you have opinions about what web hosting companies you like, please let us know, either by leaving a comment or emailing me.

And if anybody notices any links that are broken because they point to the old site, we’d appreciate hearing about that too. (I already know that the HabitatRedux.ppt document is not there, because Yahoo!’s file uploader won’t allow me to upload a file that large.)


Welcome back! So glad to know these gems aren’t lost. I’ll let you know if I notice anything broken.

Host the PPT on google docs instead. Just an idea. :)

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