October 14, 2008

Context is King: Lessons from Online Communities

Context Is King

View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: reputation context)

Here’s the SlideShare from the talk I’m giving tonight at BayChi. This is the first time I’m presenting this information to the general public. If you can make it, I can only say that the notes I uploaded with the deck are complete, but are really only a guideline to what I might say live – every presentation is different.

If you’ve come here after the presentation, please feel free to comment on this post as an alternate feedback channel.

When the video is available, I’ll update this post with the pointer and share the presentation more widely.


HI Randy!

the slideshare is private on slideshare, but at the talk you said you had extensive notes in the note fields… will you be offering the slides for download? I know there was that whole section you had to fly over. ..

All better now…

Hi Randy. You may remember me as Joe Feedback from LambdaMOO. I saw that you were speaking at BayCHI and I thought I would go see what you’re up to these days, but… I forgot. Looking forward to the video!

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